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4/11/2023 Haley is still fighting. I post a lot of sad moments on here so I wanted to show we still find things to laugh about. Obviously when you are fighting to stay alive the last thing on your mind is your mustache. We truly love to tease each other. *cancer *joke *prank *mario *joking *laugh *funny *grief *sick *love *family *memories *truelove *fyp ▶2:27
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Aktieköp - 3 tips för ditt första köp ▶0:20
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And there all so good too. *jpg *discontinued *fragrance *lebeau *smell *scent *love *sad *virallllll ▶0:13
My Rohwedder: "Kommer bli konsekvenser med relationen till dom andra Tidöpartierna" ▶0:23
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[{"@context":"","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"Aftonbladet","item":""},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"Nyheter","item":""},{"@type":"ListItem","position":3,"name":"Politik","item":""}]},{"@type":"NewsArticle","headline":"Interna krav i L efter trollavslöjanden: ”Måste leda till konsekvenser”","datePublished":"2024-05-14T18:57:44Z","dateModified":"2024-05-14T18:57:44Z","wordCount":459,"articleSection":"Nyheter","description":"Avslöjandet av Sverigedemokraternas trollfabriker får Tidösamarbetet att svaja. Inom Liberalerna är läget extra känsligt eftersom partiet är splittrat om samarb","keywords":"politik,tidöavtalet,liberalerna,ulf kristersson,ebba busch,kalla fakta,johan pehrson,sverigedemokraterna","image":{"@context":"","@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":1200,"height":627},"video":{"@context":"","@type":"VideoObject","name":"My Rohwedder: \"Kommer bli konsekvenser med relationen till dom andra Tidöpartierna\"","description":"Efter granskningen om \"Trollfabriker\" talar Jimmie Åkesson ut på youtube","thumbnail":{"@context":"","@type":"ImageObject","url":"[]=1960x1100q50","width":1960,"height":1100},"thumbnailUrl":"[]=1960x1100q50","duration":"PT250.688S","contentURL":"","uploadDate":"2024-05-14T12:44:51Z"},"publisher":{"@context":"","@type":"NewsMediaOrganization","name":"Aftonbladet","url":"","foundingDate":"1830-12-06","legalName":"Aftonbladet AB","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@context":"","url":"","width":516,"height":81},"sameAs":["","","","","",""],"publishingPrinciples":"","ethicsPolicy":"","masthead":"","verificationFactCheckingPolicy":"*:~:text=Aftonbladets journalistik,vi så här:","correctionsPolicy":"*:~:text=Så rättar vi,","unnamedSourcesPolicy":"*:~:text=Så hanterar vi,vi så här:","missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy":"*:~:text=Aftonbladets journalistik,tidningens publicistiska verksamhet"},"author":[{"@context":"","@type":"Person","description":"Politikreporter. Bakgrund inom ekonomi- och samhällsjournalistik. Har de senaste åren arbetat som riksdagsjournalist. Är författare till boken AI-revolutionen: Så blir Sverige mer intelligent 2021 (Polaris Fakta)","email":"","image":{"@context":"","@type":"ImageObject","url":"","height":100,"width":100},"name":"Fredrik Björkman","sameAs":[""],"url":""}],"mainEntityOfPage":"","isAccessibleForFree":true,"@context":"","mentions":[{"@context":"","@type":"Thing","url":"","name":"Politik"},{"@context":"","@type":"Thing","url":"","name":"Tidöavtalet"},{"@context":"","@type":"Organization","url":"","name":"Liberalerna"},{"@context":"","@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Ulf Kristersson"},{"@context":"","@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Ebba Busch"},{"@context":"","@type":"Thing","url":"","name":"Kalla fakta"},{"@context":"","@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Johan Pehrson"},{"@context":"","@type":"Organization","url":"","name":"Sverigedemokraterna"}]}] ▶0:14
Matchens lirare mot Tyskland: Goalofsson ▶0:17
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Uppsnack med Tobbe Ek och Markus Larsson inför finalen ▶0:14
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monday is here 💼🏃🏻‍♀️........*reels *instagram *fyp *explore *explorepage *trendingreels *heer *corporatelife *corporate *corporatemazdoor *intern *internlife *trending ▶
"Utan Hans Wahlgren hade inte kändis-Sverige sett ut som det gör" ▶
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Krigsrapporten 3"u002F5: Var går gränsen för ryssarna? ▶
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🚨*NewMusic🚨 🛑*ListenNow🛑 New Music “I Won’t Listen” by @coma.beach With a slow burning intro and middle section, the title track offers a calming and almost psychedelic instrumentation that could be compared even to acts like Pink Floyd or The Velvet Underground. ⭐ORDER NOW⭐ *LessThan1000Followers *FreshSingles *AlterindieStateOfMind *SickestandDopest *UnknownButEssentials *OnlyPunk *BLOGLT1KF *LT1KF | jpgchief ▶
🚨*NewMusic🚨 🛑*ListenNow🛑 New Music “I Won’t Listen” by @coma.beach With a slow burning intro and middle section, the title track offers a calming and almost psychedelic instrumentation that could be compared even to acts like Pink Floyd or The Velvet Underground. ⭐ORDER NOW⭐ *LessThan1000Followers *FreshSingles *AlterindieStateOfMind *SickestandDopest *UnknownButEssentials *OnlyPunk *BLOGLT1KF *LT1KF | jpgchief ▶
😂😅. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😂😅. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂. ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also abo ▶
😅😂. ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also abo ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😂😅। । . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
😂😅। । . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
😂😅। । . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
😂😅। । . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂। । । ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
😅😂। । । ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂. . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also a ▶
😅😂। . . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
😅😂। . . ✩ MercuryMercury is the closest planet from the Sun. The side facing the sun is extremely hot, whereas the other side is incredibly cold. The temperatures range from -150 C to 425. Without your spacesuit, you'd either freeze or instantly turn into a carbon brick, depending on which side of the planet you were standing on.Without any gear, you would survive for less than 2 minutes.☆VenusIt is a real hell.The temperature on its surface is approximately 400 C. Its surface pressure is also ▶
The rain here is as beautiful as it is violent. ▶
so real tho. What else are you good at other than being tall? Because I'm genuinely sold but also I can't seem too whipped so I gotta put my personality aside and ask, I know I'm ranting (because girl math) but the girl's will understand(?)Also posting this cuz Kunzang said I looked cute lol *fyp *girlmath *girls *foryou *faceoverpersonality (I don't make the rules) ▶
so real tho. What else are you good at other than being tall? Because I'm genuinely sold but also I can't seem too whipped so I gotta put my personality aside and ask, I know I'm ranting (because girl math) but the girl's will understand(?)Also posting this cuz Kunzang said I looked cute lol *fyp *girlmath *girls *foryou *faceoverpersonality (I don't make the rules) ▶
..and there's silence, that you can feel.We don't understand the magnitude of the effect 'nature' has on us, we are a deep rooted part of this nature around us, being connected to it is a feeling that maybe you're not even aware of, but still you're there.© @shoebum.jpeg *Shoebum ...*streetsofindia *colorsofnature ▶
..and there's silence, that you can feel.We don't understand the magnitude of the effect 'nature' has on us, we are a deep rooted part of this nature around us, being connected to it is a feeling that maybe you're not even aware of, but still you're there.© @shoebum.jpeg *Shoebum ...*streetsofindia *colorsofnature ▶
I’m not a fan of dresses but @walglondon has *gifted me with some of their beautiful dresses, I can’t wait to show guys what I got 💕*dressoftheday *miniinfluencer *contentcreator *reelsinstagram *instagramreels *reels *walglondon ▶
I’m not a fan of dresses but @walglondon has *gifted me with some of their beautiful dresses, I can’t wait to show guys what I got 💕*dressoftheday *miniinfluencer *contentcreator *reelsinstagram *instagramreels *reels *walglondon ▶
The way the yolk didn’t even break too LMAOO( via: laniii.jpeg /TT ) ▶
Sáu giờ sáng, một ngày thứ ba nào đó ▶
KingDid you know that the World Comservation Society’s country programs in Mozambique, Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, Tanzania, and Uganda are working tirelessly to protect and conserve lion populations?Despite their iconic status, lion numbers in Uganda alone have plummeted by 30% in the past decade. Across Africa, lions are facing rapid declines, primarily due to human hunting activities.As apex predators, lions play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of savanna ecosystems ▶
KingDid you know that the World Comservation Society’s country programs in Mozambique, Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, Tanzania, and Uganda are working tirelessly to protect and conserve lion populations?Despite their iconic status, lion numbers in Uganda alone have plummeted by 30% in the past decade. Across Africa, lions are facing rapid declines, primarily due to human hunting activities.As apex predators, lions play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of savanna ecosystems ▶

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