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Dr. Lebowitz at the Long Island VaserLipo u0026 Gynecomastia Center in Huntington, Long Island helps males of all ages with Gynecomastia. This patient is a 14 year old teenager who has suffered from puffy nipples and Gynecomastia, which causes stress and self-esteem issues. *** Are you a teenager or under the age of 18 with Gynecomastia? Dr. Lebowitz highly suggests waiting 1-2 years to see if it goes away, due to puberty. If it DOES NOT disappear, your only option would be to get the surgery. Please speak with your pediatrician and parents about your concerns. *With your parent's approval*, you may give Dr. Lebowitz a call at 631-424-0101 or visit, https://www.lebowitzplasticsurgery.com/gynecomastia-surgery/teen-gynecomastia-surgery/ to schedule your free Gynecomastia consultation *** Dr. Lebowitz performs VaserLipo on the patient by inconspicuously placing incisions to first introduce a dilute anesthetic, local anesthesia into the chest region. He then uses the latest VaserLipo and ultrasound technology to target unwanted chest fat and the dense, glandular breast tissue. Lastly, you’ll see him use special cannulas to gently remove the unwanted fat and bombard the gland. The gland is then removed through a tiny, 1CM incision which produces extraordinary results. The entire procedure was performed under local anesthesia, within Dr. Lebowitz’s private, clean, and comfortable operating room in Huntington, Long Island NY. You can see that the patient is awake during the entire procedure, talking and fully relaxed with no pain. The final results of this young teen Gynecomastia VaserLipo and glandular excision procedure are permanent, the fat and gland do not return. Dr. Lebowitz does encourage a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise to supplement and maintain this cosmetic procedure. Dr. Lebowitz also provides nutritional and exercise advice to all his patients. Dr. Lebowitz has over 25 years of experience specializing in gynecomastia and other cosmetic procedures. He recognizes that male Gynecomastia can cause feelings of embarrassment and awkwardness for adolescents, difficulties in wearing form-fitting shirts for adults, and a distraction from a chiseled and sculpted chest on body builders. Dr. Lebowitz wants all his Gynecomastia patients to have CLOSURE, for both physical and psychological reasons. Your gynecomastia surgery will be customized to meet your individual needs. Following a thorough examination, while listening to your specific preferences and concerns, Dr. Jonathan Lebowitz will discuss the best course of treatment to reach your goals. The staff at Lebowitz Plastic Surgery provide the latest, state of the art cosmetic plastic surgery in a private, professional, and safe environment. Dr. Lebowitz personally communicates with each patient and gives complete instructions to help speed their recovery. Please visit his Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction Surgery) page for additional information: http://www.lebowitzplasticsurgery.com/procedures/surgeries-for-the-breast/male-breast-reduction-surgery-gynecomastia/ Do you have a VaserLipo or Gynecomastia question? Please call Lebowitz Plastic Surgery at (631) 424-0101 to schedule your FREE consultation. Not from the area? No problem! Your free consultation can be even be provided via Skype or FaceTime! We look forward to helping you and answering any questions you may have. Don’t forget to subscribe to watch my future videos! https://www.lebowitzplasticsurgery.com/ 29 GREEN STREET, HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 631-424-0101 ------------------ Website: http://www.lebowitzplasticsurgery.com/ Photo Gallery: http://www.lebowitzplasticsurgery.com/gallery/ Contact Dr. Lebowitz: http://www.lebowitzplasticsurgery.com/contact/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LebowitzPlasticSurgery Instagram: https://instagram.com/drlebowitz/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/drlebowitz Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Lebowitzplasticsurgeryli/about
14 Year Old w/ Puffy Nipples Gets VaserLipo & Gynecomastia Surgery by Dr. Lebowitz in Huntington NY